Kamis, 27 November 2014

Wearing sequence Facial Treatment Morning and Night

Wearing sequence Facial Treatment Morning and Night

Wearing sequence Facial Treatment Morning and Night

Problems faced by women with age, in addition to decreased metabolism, skin loosens and arise too fine lines called wrinkles.

Well, one way to skin care for face and body is by applying serum and moisturizer. Both of these products have benefits to nourish and maintain skin aging prematurely. However, can wear and then stacked with a moisturizing serum or moisturizer?

Ideally facials begin with soap cleanser, toner, essence, serum, moisturizer, sunscreen in the morning, then daub new makeup.

Meanwhile, in the evening starting treatment sequence of soap cleanser, toner, essence, serum, and moisturizer.

Well, because of the many skin problems, women often have a lot of serum with diverse functions. Face lightening serum, serum stain remover or spots, until the serum to tackle wrinkles.

The use of stacked serum is normal and does not cause side effects, even that is not allowed is the time to accumulate a variety of moisturizers.

'The use of moisturizers should alternately, one for the morning, the second for the night.

Therefore, piled two moisturizers at once will make even oily skin and cause acne because the skin is oily teralalu.

Sabtu, 15 November 2014

Why Men Fear Marriage?

Why Men Fear Marriage?
Why Men Fear Marriage?
Not a few men who suddenly panic and fear when faced with a long-term commitment. Such attitudes of men, so women often make harbored upset and finally choose split. Actually, what makes a man afraid of commitment.

The fear of future disputes
Many men who have a sense of worry about the level and compatible between himself and his partner. Men have an irrational fear. Well, in the face of long-term relationships, they tend to withdraw at the thought about the nature of the couple they do not like going to trigger fighting in the future.

Material, family, sex, and the principle of life is a primary consideration when determining a match between him and his partner.

Fear of becoming old and boring
Many lovers, when they're stepping into a more serious commitment, they are afraid to feel old and boring. In addition, isolated from the social environment and become "unknown" also evokes fear in men

Those who have this fear usually have a lot of friends, an active lifestyle, and love adventure. They did not want to give up their lives according to more colorful.

Fear was not satisfied sexually
Everyone has different sizes of sexual satisfaction. When a man afraid of commitment, it could be he was not satisfied with the relationship which he was engaged with his partner.